About Us

Barrington Well Drilling, LLC. Family Owned and Operated Since 1953. Celebrating 65 years Serving The Southern Oregon Coast. CCB#151909
Contact us anytime at 541-269-7221 or 1-800-809-0384 through our 24 hr answering service. Email: info@bwdllc.us Fax: 541-267-4455 PO BOX 784 North Bend, OR 97459 Like us on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/barringtonwelldrillingllc
Barrington Well Drilling, LLC. We do so much more than just drill wells. Call us for all your water needs. Celebrating 65 years Serving The Southern Oregon Coast. Ron is third generation well driller, Ron knows water!
Member of the National Ground Water Association Member of the Oregon Ground Water Association.